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Kubernetes & Docker Web Servers Windows

Docker for Windows – Install, run and launch a Web Server in Docker

This article shows how to install Docker for Windows 10 (and probably 11), and then start a web server in a Docker container. Install Docker Visit “https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop” and download Docker installer. Start the installation process (you’ll need local admin privileges). During the installation process, the wizard will ask if you

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All HowTo's Cyber-Security Linux Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux

Creating your own Password list

If you want to create a customised password list for a specific target (client, I hope), this article is for you. It’s basically just a re-write of “https://karimlalji.wordpress.com/2018/04/26/password-guessing-mangle-a-custom-wordlist-with-cewl-and-hashcat/” which I’ll probably forget later so I’m documenting here. We don’t just want a list of passwords, we want a list of

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All HowTo's Cyber-Security Linux Redhat, Fedora and CentOS Linux Ubuntu, Mint & Debian Linux Windows

Mount SysInternals over HTTP on Linux

This article demonstrates how to mount “https://live.sysinternals.com/tools” on Linux so that it’s accessible at “/mnt/sysinternals”, for example. On CentOS: yum install davfs2 On Ubuntu: apt install davfs2 Mount it: mount -t davfs https://live.sysinternals.com/tools /mnt/sysinternals Now you can access it at: # ls /mnt/sysinternals/ accesschk64.exe diskext.exe pipelist.exe RegDelNull.exe accesschk.exe Diskmon.exe PORTMON.CNT

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